Thursday, September 25, 2008


Sarah Petrokonis said...

Nice job with the gradient. I just wish the shadow on the inside of the cup was curved...

Bill Cassidy said...

i love how the cups are rendered. they have a very cartoony feel to them which is great. i only wish their was more of a backround, however the cast shadows do work fairly nicely in this case.

rachb said...

the outline around the cups make them stand out.
Nice use of gradient to show the cup's hollowness.

Anonymous said...

I agree, nice job on the gradient. I feel like the shadows read a little awkward though, they're too perfect.

BrainDead said...

most excellent! you chose such simple objects but made them stand out in such a distinct way. nice!!!

Lindsay Rosetti said...

The cups are awesome! I like the gradient on the inside, it makes the cups look like it has mass.